FHIR Integration Configuration
Please work with your WellSky LTC support representative to complete this process.
Acquire the FHIR Integration URL information from WellSky and send a request to support@kno2.com to have the URL whitelisted in Kno2. Please note: the Kno2 Team will confirm as soon as this has been completed and configuration may proceed.
In Kno2 - access Settings (gear icon) > API.
Choose the '+' under the section for Kno2 Integrations. Please note: there are two of these that will need to be configured - Document Types and FHIR.
Document Types
Integration Type = Document Types
Integration URL = Integration URL route from WellSky LTC
Document Types Url = documenttypes
Authentication Type = OAuth2 Client Credentials
Token Url = token
Client Id = username, from WellSky LTC, used to authenticate the remote service
Client Secret = password, from WellSky, used to authenticate the remote service Note: do not select the checkbox for "Use Basic Authentication"
Choose Add
Integration Type = FHIR
Integration URL = Integration URL route from WellSky LTC
Authentication Type = OAuth2 Client Credentials
Token Url = token
Client Id = username, from WellSky LTC, used to authenticate the remote service
Client Secret = password, from WellSky, used to authenticate the remote service
Note: do not select the checkbox for "Use Basic Authentication"Choose Add
At any point - take advantage of Check Connection (checkmark icon) to verify that what has been entered is successfully connecting to WellSky LTC.
Webhook Event Configuration
Please work with your WellSky LTC support representative to complete this process.
Acquire the Webhook Callback URL information from WellSky LTC and send a request to support@kno2.com to have the URL whitelisted in Kno2. Please note: the Kno2 Team will confirm as soon as this has been completed and configuration may proceed.
In Kno2 - access Settings (gear icon) > API.
Choose the '+' under the section for Kno2 Webhook Events. Please note: there are two of these that will need to be configured.
This process will need to be completed for all four event types
Event = <select an event type>
Callback URL = Callback URL route from WellSky LTC
Authentication Type =
Choose Add