AprimaV2 Integration

How to enable the latest Aprima Integration in Kno2

Stacy Lane avatar
Written by Stacy Lane
Updated over a week ago

The Aprima V2 integration includes several new features! 

1.  Inactive Patient Search

Found within the patient search magnifying glass option. When selected, the expectation is that now inactive patients will now appear as part of the result set.

2.  Select multiple orders as part of a single document

Upon selection of a patient and visit with multiple orders – navigate to the “Order” button. Select as many orders as needed. They will turn blue to indicate selection.

3.  Select a Reviewer or Reviewer Group

Selection of a Reviewer or Reviewer Group can be done by changing the tab being viewed under this option (Reviewer button). The selection is currently for one or the other.

4.  Add a NOTE to send to a Reviewer or Reviewer Group

Within the Reviewer selection – add a text note to be sent with the document into Aprima to be delivered to the selected Reviewer(s). It should be saved upon selection of the Reviewer/Reviewer Group

5.  Source of document upload in Aprima now displays the actual user context from Kno2 (instead of the user setup in the API integration configuration)

Intent: Document uploads in Aprima show the user in Kno2 who performed the upload

Required: The user email used in Kno2 must tie to the user email configured in Aprima.

In order to take advantage of the latest update – please work with your Aprima representative. You’ll need to first make sure you’re on the correct version of Aprima. Subsequently, in Kno2 – the following steps will need to be taken:

  1. Navigate to Settings > API > Integrations > Click the "+" button and select Aprima V2 from the Integration Type drop-down.

  2. Complete the following fields:
    a. Username: <this is an Active Directory username>
    b. Password: <this is an Active Directory password>
    c. ClientId: <Aprima Client ID, obtained within PRM under Aprima – Help – About window>

  3. Click Save.

  4. Optional: Set up a generic 'Kno2 User' Active Directory account so that future password changes do not have affect the integration.

Example of Edit Integration Modal.

Click the ‘power’ button icon on original Aprima integration to disable it; the AprimaV2 integration will be enabled automatically. 

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