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API Settings for Multiple Service Accounts
API Settings for Multiple Service Accounts

How to add multiple service accounts for your Kno2 instance

Matt Harp avatar
Written by Matt Harp
Updated over a week ago

Client credentials are used by systems that integrate with Kno2 using a service account rather than Kno2 users. If you have multiple systems that integrate with Kno2, you can create unique credentials for each using the following steps:

  1. Select Settings (gear icon).

  2. Select Organization.

  3. Scroll down to API Settings.

    1. Select the '+ Add Service Account' button.

    2. Select the Create Client Credentials button.

    3. A confirmation modal will appear.

      1. Select the Create Client Credentials for <the current Kno2 instance> button to continue.

    4. Store your key and secret in a secure location.

      1. Select Copy Credentials to copy to the clipboard.

      2. Paste and store these in a secure location for later entry into the system integrating with Kno2.

    5. Select the Disabled button so that Enabled will be displayed, indicating that the service account is now enabled.

    6. Enter the IP address(es) provided by your EMR or system integrating with Kno2 (these are the public IP addresses of the server contacting Kno2).

      1. Select Save IP Addresses.

  4. Repeat steps 1-3 to create additional Service Accounts.

Multiple Service Account

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